mercredi 29 mars 2017

Can I use an if statement with multiple conditions? PHP

I bet I can, but would it work like this?

function dutchDateNames($) {
        $day = explode('-', $date)[2];
        $dutchday = ($day < 10) ? substr($day, 1) : $day;

        $month = explode('-', $date)[1];
        if ($month == '01' . '02') {
            $dutchmonth = 'Januari' . 'Februari';

        $dutchdate = $dutchday . ' ' . $dutchmonth . ' ' . explode('-', $date)[0];
        return $dutchdate

So, if $month is 01, $dutchmonth should be Januari. If $month is 02, $dutchmonth should be Februari, and so on. I have the feeling I'm not doing this right?

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