mardi 28 mars 2017

How to determine if a line from a input file is the last line? c++

I have written a program to check for balanced curly brackets in a .cpp file. The program works fine and finds the syntax error, displays the number of the line with the problem and then exits.

But I have to display a different error message if the error is at the last line of the input cpp file.

I have tried to implement it like following way but I think it is wrong. It doesn't work anyway :)

                    if(current == inputFile.eof()) //THIS IS WHAT I TRIED
                        cout << "Syntax error at the end of the program.";
                        cout << "Syntax error in line: " << current << "\n";
                        errorFound == true;

I did not give the complete code because I think a simple if condition with the correct variable will solve this. If you need it, I can post the code later.

EDIT: Larger piece of the code is given as requested. counter is an int variable that is updated every line by counter++.

for(int i = 0; i < line.length(); i++)
            if (line[i] == '{')
            else if(line[i] == '}')
                if (!stack.isEmpty())
                    cout << "Code block: " << opening << " - " << current << "\n";
                    if(current == inputFile.eof())
                        cout << "Syntax error at the end of the program.";
                        cout << "Syntax error in line: " << current << "\n";
                        errorFound == true;

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