lundi 31 juillet 2017

Making an if statement more generic

I have the following code that looks up if a logged in customer is in the 'Students' customer segment then sets a flag to true.

I would like the code to look at further customer segments in one go, such as G1, G2, G3 or G4.

Maybe a statement that looks up the segment and then sets the flag to true? Make sense?

<c:set var="ownerId" value="${}"/>
String isStudent = "false";
Long userIdStr = (Long)pageContext.getAttribute("userId");
Long ownerIdStr = (Long)pageContext.getAttribute("ownerId");
MemberGroupAccessBean ambrgrp = new MemberGroupAccessBean();

try {
    ambrgrp = new MemberGroupAccessBean().findByOwnerName(ownerIdStr,"Students");
    MemberGroupMemberAccessBean mgmbr = new MemberGroupMemberAccessBean();
    mgmbr = new MemberGroupMemberAccessBean().findByGroupMember(ambrgrp.getMbrGrpIdInEJBType(),userIdStr);
    isStudent = "true";
} catch(Exception ex) {


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