samedi 27 octobre 2018

I'm bad at Java

What would it mean when I see : (/* phone bill_1[..]) this with two little dots afterward? I can upload the file or email the java file if needed? this is not something I wrote but something that was given to me in an assignment by my instructor. Also, how do I start my code in the right place? sorry for bad formatting. :/


/* phone bill_1

uses toUpperCase with strings

* */

import java.util.*;

public class PhoneBill_1 {

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
    int minutes;
    double base, extra, due;
    String plan;

    int countA = 0, countB = 0, totMinutes = 0;;
    double total = 0.0;

    System.out.print("Enter your plan (A or B): ");
    plan =;

    while(plan.charAt(0) != 'Q'){
        System.out.print("Enter the minutes talked: ");
        minutes = keyboard.nextInt();
        if (plan.charAt(0) == 'A'){
            base = 25;
            if (minutes > 50){
                extra = (minutes - 50) * 0.10;
                extra = 0.0;
            base = 35;
            if (minutes > 100){
                extra = (minutes - 100) * 0.05;
                extra = 0.0;

        due = base + extra;
        System.out.printf("\nBase cost: $%2.2f\n",base);
        System.out.printf("Extra minutes charge: $%2.2f\n",extra);
        System.out.printf("Total: $%2.2f\n",due);

        total += due;
        totMinutes += minutes;

        System.out.print("Enter your plan (A or B, q to quit): ");
        plan =;

    // summary data

    System.out.println("\n\nSummary Data\n*****************\n\n");
    System.out.println("# of customers: " + (countA + countB) );
    System.out.println("\t# of customers in Plan A: " + countA);
    System.out.println("\t# of customers in Plan B: " + countB);
    System.out.printf("Total collected: $%2.2f\n" , total);
    System.out.printf("Total minutes: " + totMinutes);




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