lundi 25 février 2019

Create a list of strings from a string having '+' character. Using '+' to separate the lists

I have a sample input string as follows:

med_str = 'Film-coated tablet + ALpha Chloro, Prolonged-release tablet + ALFU Dioxide'

I want to create a list of strings separated by '+'. OUTPUT expected:

med_str = ['Film-coated tablet', 'ALpha Chloro'], ['Prolonged-release tablet', 'ALFU Dioxide']

There might be cases where there would be only one '+' separated string. Example:

new_str = 'Tablet + DEFLAZo'

OUTPUT expected:

new_str = ['Tablet', 'DEFLAZo']

How do I do this using an if else in python which should take care of all the cases and create a separate list of strings separated by comma whenever there is/isn't one or more than one elements with '+' in the string and separated by comma.

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