jeudi 28 février 2019

Jenkins Pipeline - if statement always returns false

I currently have a problem. I am working with openshift and am trying to use an if statement depending on wether an Integration Test in a seperate container succeeded. This this is a snippet of my code


      stage(Integration Tests){
          def status = sh(script: 'oc describe pod myapps-integration-tests | grep -i status: | awk {\'print $2\'}', returnStdout: true)
          echo "Status of Interation Test Job ${status}"
          echo status
          if("${status}" == "Succeeded"){             
            echo "Integration tests successfull"  
          } else {              
            echo "Integration Tests failed"
            error("The integration tests failed.")              

Now the problem is, that this if statement always always returns false. status echoes as Succeeded but still the statement returns false. I've tried with and without the script block. I tried

if(status == "Succeeded")

but still. It always tells me my integraion test failed. If i replace the statement with "Succeeded" == "Succeeded" just for testing it passes as expected. Does anyone have an idea what I am doing wrong?

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