mardi 26 mars 2019

Is there a better(cleaner) way to write this JS code using ternary operators(without repeating code)?

So I'm writing a simple React.js app and just have a question about setting state, can this be done any cleaner?

const enemy = this.state.enemy;
        if (this.state.isRock) {
            enemy === "rock"
                ? this.setState({ result: "Draw!" })
                : enemy === "paper"
                ? this.setState({ result: "You lose!" })
                : enemy === "scissors"
                ? this.setState({ result: "You win!" })
                : this.setState({ result: null });
        } else if (this.state.isPaper) {
            enemy === "rock"
                ? this.setState({ result: "You win!" })
                : enemy === "paper"
                ? this.setState({ result: "Draw!" })
                : enemy === "scissors"
                ? this.setState({ result: "You lose!" })
                : this.setState({ result: null });
        } else if (this.state.isScissors) {
            enemy === "rock"
                ? this.setState({ result: "You lose!" })
                : enemy === "paper"
                ? this.setState({ result: "You win!" })
                : enemy === "scissors"
                ? this.setState({ result: "Draw!" })
                : this.setState({ result: null });

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