mercredi 27 mars 2019

new class in javafx project gives error when attempting to add if statement

while using an if statement i keep getting "- Syntax error on token ";", { expected after this token" error message. im not sure why, I am somewhat new to java.this is a java fx project but i have any connections to the controller yet.

ive tried adding a else statement and changing the variables. ive also tried to make the declaration and the modification separate.

package application;

public class Mathprocess {

int numberOne = 15;
int numberTwo = 5;
int answerNumbers;
int ansSubtract = 0;
int ansDivide =  0;
int ansMultiply = 0;
int ansAddition = 0;

//Question 1
ansAddition = numberOne + numberTwo;
    String questionOne = numberOne + " + " + numberTwo +" = ";
//Question 2 
ansMultiply = numberOne * numberTwo;
String questionTwo = numberOne + " * " + numberTwo +" = ";

//Question 3 
ansDivide = numberOne / numberTwo;

//Question 4
ansSubtract = numberOne - numberTwo;
// error happens here
if (ansAddition > 0) { 
    answerNumbers = ansAddition;


the expected result is a clean program with no errors.

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