samedi 28 septembre 2019

How To Limit Column Values Retrieved From Another Column

I am trying to get a column in Google Sheets to display the values produced by another column but if they are greater than 10, I want it to just display 10 for that cell but if the cell would contain a number less than 10 that cell within the column still contains the original value.

I tried a query with an IF statement but I'll admit I'm too sure how this works

=query(D:D,"select D label D 'Your total points'" & IF("D">10,10,"D"),1)

I expected a new column to list all the values in column D unless they were greater than 10. If they were greater than 10, I expected the cell to contain the value 10 instead of the original value of the corresponding cell in column D.

Instead I get the following error:

Unable to parse query string for Function QUERY parameter 2: PARSE_ERROR: Encountered " "10 "" at line 1, column 37. Was expecting one of: "format" ... "options" ... "," ...

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