lundi 30 septembre 2019

If and Nested If

PURPOSE: To code a program using a while-loop with a nested(embedded) if-else structure within an if-else structure

INSTRUCTIONS: Code a program that prints messages based on the validity of a password and a person’s age.

1.In a sentinel-controlled while-loop, where the first iteration of this repetition structure is automatically entered,

a.ask for a password. The password is “MonthyPython”.

i.When the password is wrong print, “Invalid Password!” and the while-loop can either continue or stop.

ii.Otherwise, the password is correct, so ask for an age.

1)If the age is greater than 17 print “Shangri-La welcomes you to your earthly paradise!”

2)Otherwise, age is less than or equal to 17, so print, “Sorry, NO under-age patrons allowed!”

b.There are 2 double-selection ifs. One is nested within the other. Is the nested if-else within the body of the if that tests for an invalid password or its else?

2.Use printf() and format specifiers.

  1. Exit the main()

****SAMPLE OUTPUT**** What is the password? MontyPithy

Invalid password!

Do you want to try again? Enter ‘Y’ or ‘N’: y

What is the password? MonthyPython

Enter your age: 16

Sorry, NO under-aged patrons allowed!

Do you want to try again? Enter ‘Y’ or ‘N’: y

What is the password? MonthyPython

Enter your age: 25

Shangri-La welcomes you to your earthly paradise!

Do you want to try again? Enter ‘Y’ or ‘N’: n

Thank you! Have a nice day!

****HERE IS MY CODE BELOW****CAN'T SEEM TO GET IT RIGHT**** /** * Auto Generated Java Class. */ import java.util.Scanner;

public class testLU {

 public static void main(String[] args) { 

 //create scanner to capture input from keyboard
 Scanner input = new Scanner(;

 String pass;
 int age = 0;
 char keepGoing = 'Y';
 char stop = 'N';
 boolean valid = true;    

 while(Character.toUpperCase(keepGoing) == 'Y')
 System.out.printf("What is the password%n");
 pass = input.nextLine();

 if (pass.equals("MonthyPython"))
 System.out.printf("Enter your age: %n");
 age = input.nextInt();
 if (age > 17)
 System.out.printf("Shangri-La welcomes you to your "+
                   "earthly paradise!%n");

 if (age <= 17)
 System.out.printf("Sorry, NO underaged patrons allowed!%n");
 System.out.printf("Invalid password!%n");
 System.out.printf("%nDo you want to keep going? Enter \'Y\'"+
                         "or \'N\': ");     
 keepGoing = input.nextLine().charAt(0);


System.out.printf("Thanks you!%n"); }


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