vendredi 29 mai 2020

Nested COUNTIF within IF Statement based on 3 separate sheets

I have (3) separate sheets in (1) workbook that all need to be referenced in the following formula to either return True, False or Blank.

There is an Attendance Tracking sheet which has the students first and last name and Date of Birth, and then a column for each day that the student has taken an exam, marked by either True or False in the column.

The formula below is neither on the Attendance Tracking or Test Results.

=IF(COUNTIFS('Test Results'!$A:$A,$A2,'Test Results'!$B:$B,$B2,'Test Results'!$C:$C,$C2,'Test Results'!$D:$D,J$1)>0,"Y","N")

How can I reference the Attendance Tracking sheet to say if a student signed in on the day the exam was taken but we do not have the test results back yet, then neither True or False, just blank?enter image description here

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