mercredi 30 septembre 2020

NullPointerException in the IF statement with two negative conditions in Java + Selenium

I'm just starting to work with Java and Selenium and stuck with getting a NullPointerException in the following if statement when trying to switch to a third window opened. My test has two windows opened already. Each window has its handle saved into a variable.

Then this method LessonHeader.clickLessonPreview(); opens a third window that I need to switch to.

String windowLMS = ApplicationManager.driver.getWindowHandle();
String windowLD = ApplicationManager.driver.getWindowHandle();

 private void previewLesson() {
    WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(ApplicationManager.driver, 5);
    assert ApplicationManager.driver.getWindowHandles().size() == 2;

    for (String windowHandle : ApplicationManager.driver.getWindowHandles()) {
      if (!windowLMS.contentEquals(windowHandle) && !windowLD.contentEquals(windowHandle)) {

The exception happens in this line: if (!windowLMS.contentEquals(windowHandle) && !windowLD.contentEquals(windowHandle)) {

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