lundi 28 septembre 2020

Simple Calculator problem Runtime Error (java)

I'm pretty new to Java coding and I code this Simple Calculator and it works perfectly in my IDE but it shows Runtime Error when I put in the online judge system. Very appreciated If you can provide any helps on this!

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Scanner calc = new Scanner(;
        String operator1, operator2;
        int firstNum, secondNum;

        ArrayList<String> equation = new ArrayList<>();

        while(true) {

            String temp = calc.nextLine();

        for(String temp:equation) {
            if(temp.contains(" + ")) {
                operator1 = temp.substring(0,temp.indexOf('+'));
                operator2 = temp.substring(temp.indexOf('+')+1);
                firstNum = Integer.parseInt(operator1.trim());
                secondNum = Integer.parseInt(operator2.trim());
                System.out.println(firstNum + secondNum);
            if(temp.contains(" * ")) {
                operator1 = temp.substring(0, temp.indexOf('*'));
                operator2 = temp.substring(temp.indexOf('*') + 1);
                firstNum = Integer.parseInt(operator1.trim());
                secondNum = Integer.parseInt(operator2.trim());
                System.out.println(firstNum * secondNum);
            if(temp.contains(" - ")) {
                operator1 = temp.substring(0,temp.indexOf('-'));
                operator2 = temp.substring(temp.indexOf('-')+1);
                firstNum = Integer.parseInt(operator1.trim());
                secondNum = Integer.parseInt(operator2.trim());
                System.out.println(firstNum - secondNum);
            if(temp.contains(" / ")) {
                operator1 = temp.substring(0,temp.indexOf('/'));
                operator2 = temp.substring(temp.indexOf('/')+1);
                firstNum = Integer.parseInt(operator1.trim());
                secondNum = Integer.parseInt(operator2.trim());
                System.out.println(firstNum / secondNum);


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