mardi 29 décembre 2020

If else with loop " for " to repeat until done

I want to edit this script to add ssl and try again if it fails until I finish adding the certificate and then finish the script and start virtual host >> Can this be used ?? To fulfill my purposes

          if [ ! -e "$sitesAvailabledomainSSL" ]; then
       echo 1 | certbot -d "$2"
      echo 1 | certbot --expand -d "$4"

   virtualHostStart='### start virtual host'
   virtualHostStart="${virtualHostStart} ${1}"
  virtualHostEnd='### end virtual host'
   virtualHostEnd="${virtualHostEnd} ${1}"

    ### regular expression to remove wrong virtual host from the SSL file
sed -zE -i "s/<IfModule mod_ssl.c>(\r\n|\r|\n)<VirtualHost \*\:80>(\r\n|\r|\n)$virtualHostStart.*? 
  $virtualHostEnd(\r\n|\r|\n)<\/VirtualHost>(\r\n|\r|\n)<\/IfModule>//" /etc/apache2/sites-available/$3-le-ssl.conf
### restart Apache
/etc/init.d/apache2 reload


any suggestions?

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