vendredi 25 décembre 2020

JavaScript IF statemrnt and While loop not working properly

I am trying to reprompt the user if the password length is less than 8 or greater than 128 characters. the condition for less than eight is working but the last condition in the while loop is not working properly. What am I doing wrong?

let askUser;
    // create a function for prompts
    const prompts = () => {
        const minLength = 8;
        const maxLength = 128;
        askUser = prompt('Enter a password character length. Character length must be at least 8 and between 128.');
        while (askUser < minLength || askUser === null || askUser > maxLength) {
            // ask the user again
            askUser = prompt('Enter a password character length. Character length must be at least 8 and between 128.');
            let confirmSpecialCharacter;
            // if password is between length range
            if (askUser >= minLength && askUser <= maxLength) {
                // ask for special characters
                confirmSpecialCharacter = confirm('Would you like for your password to include special characters?');
                // if yes, call combine random
                if (confirmSpecialCharacter === 'yes') {
                    let pass = combineRandom();
                } else {
                    let pass = noSpecialCharacters();
        return askUser;

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