mercredi 31 mars 2021

Why does the and comparison work here instead of the or comparison? [duplicate]

Hey I'm new to coding and while I was doing an assignment for my teacher I was trying to make my if statement accept two options for the conditional.

  choice = input("What type of sandwich would you like today?\nYour options are: Chicken - $5.25, Beef - $6.35, or Tofu - $5.75 ")
if choice == ('Chicken' and 'chicken'):
    print('You chose Chicken for $5.25.')
    confirm=input('Are you sure this is what you want? Y/N ')
    if confirm == ('Y'):
    elif confirm ==('N'):

The idea is that it would accept either chicken lower-cased or Chicken upper-cased and to me it would make sense if it accepted or but it doesn't...It accepts and. The way I was taught and would only work if both conditions are true while or would only work if one of the conditions were true but when i use or it finishes the code.

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