lundi 28 juin 2021

Subset condition within category in R

I'm using a survey dataset (ESS) that includes several countries per wave, and several individuals within each wave. It looks something like this:

Country Wave
AT 1
AT 1
AT 1
AT 2
AT 3
AT 3
AT 4
AT 4
AT 5
AT 6
AT 7
AT 8
AT 9
AT 9
BE 1
BE 2
BE 2
BE 3
BE 4
BE 5
BE 6
BE 7
BE 7
BE 9
BE 9

I would like to filter/subset the data to get a new clean dataframe that includes only countries that are included in all of the waves, which range from 1 to 9. In other words, I would need to select countries based on the condition that they have observations in all 9 waves. In the example above, only "AT" would be selected as "BE" is missing wave #8.

This sounds rather straightforward but I am struggling to find a simple way to go about it (likely due to the fact that I am new in R).

Many thanks for your help.

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