samedi 2 octobre 2021

How do i make the program jump back to input (cout)

can someone help me jump back to the start of program (cout). The expected result should be: result printed --> Do you want to start again? (y/n). if answer = y then go to the start, if answer = n, then close the program.

Here's the code:

    #include <iostream>
#include <string>

class myClass {
    int var[3];
    char response;
    void input() {
        std::cout << "Please enter a number " << std::endl;
        std::cin >> var[0];
        std::cout << "Please enter a range " << std::endl;
        std::cin >> var[1];

    void calc() {

        for (var[2] = 1; var[2] <= var[1]; var[2]++)
            std::cout << var[2] * var[1] << std::endl;

int main() {

    myClass MyObj;

    return 0;

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