lundi 6 décembre 2021

I am trying to make word1 from the letters of word2 in Python

word1 = input() 
word2 = input()
a = len(word2)
b = len(word1)
count = b
while (word2[a-1] == word1[b-1]):
    a -= 1
    if count == 0:
        print('it cant be made')
print('it can be made')  

What I am trying to do is compare the last letter of word2 to the last letter of word 1 and if they are equal, - the count by 1 and move down a letter in word 2 until the count is == to 0 therefore suggesting the word can be made. if the 2 letters aren't equal it should just move onto the next letter of word1 and repeat the process. if the the count doesn't reach 0 then the word can't be made because it is the Len of the word you are trying to make.

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