samedi 4 décembre 2021

Just started HTML, CSS, JS and im making something similar to cookie clicker to start off and learn. My auto cps is messed up and i dont know why if you spam the one that costs 100 and gives 1 per second you will see the problem. I'm new and this is probably a really simple and obvious mistake but I would be really grateful for some help. It looks liek my 'ifs' dont work for some reason.

JS script.

score = 0;

scoretext = 0;

cookie_increaser = 1;

var dosomething = function () {
  score = score + cookie_increaser;
 document.getElementById("H1").innerText = score;

var dosomethingelse = function () {
  if (score > 10) {
    score = score - 10;
    document.getElementById("H1").innerText = score;
    cookie_increaser = 2

   var dosomethingelse2 = function () {
  if (score > 20) {
    score = score - 20;
    document.getElementById("H1").innerText = score;
    cookie_increaser = 3

var starttimer = function () {
  if (score > 100) {
    score = score - 100
  setInterval(function () {
    score = score + 1
    document.getElementById("H1").innerText = score;
  }, 1000)
  scoretext = scoretext + 1;
  document.getElementById("h3").innerText = scoretext;

var starttimer2 = function () {
  if (score > 200) {
    score = score - 200
  setInterval(function () {
    score = score + 3
    document.getElementById("H1").innerText = score;
 }, 1000)
  scoretext = scoretext + 3;
  document.getElementById("h3").innerText = scoretext;

document.getElementById("btn1").addEventListener("click", dosomething)

document.getElementById("btn2").addEventListener("click", dosomethingelse)

document.getElementById("btn3").addEventListener("click", dosomethingelse2)

document.getElementById("btn4").addEventListener("click", starttimer)

document.getElementById("btn5").addEventListener("click", starttimer2)

HTML script.

    <h1>      </h1>
    <h1> Clicks <img  width = "50"  
    src="" </h1>   
    <h1 id="H1"> 0</h1>
    <button id="btn1">Press me!</button>
    <button id="btn2">Upgrade! -- Cost: 10 points (2 per click)</button>
    <button id="btn3">Upgrade! -- Cost: 20 points (3 per click)</button>
    <button id="btn4">Upgrade! -- Cost: 100 points (1 per second)</button>
    <button id="btn5">Upgrade! -- Cost: 200 points (3 per second</button>
    <h1> Automatic clicks per second</h1>
    <h2 id="h3"> 0</h2>
    <script src="script.js"></script>

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