mardi 28 juillet 2015

My if/else is not working like it should

My if else is not working like it should. I have 1 if 1 else if and 1 else. When the function runs it executes the if even if the condition is "false".

Here is the JavaScript:

function onSearch(){
        var site;
        document.getElementById('bar').value = site;
        //These are not the actuall links since it's not the actuall code.
    if (site === "Google" || "google"){
      location.href = "";          

        else if (site === "Youtube" || "youtube"){
      location.href = "";

        document.getElementById("SearchFail01").innerHTML =
        "The country " + site + " does not exist";
<!-- Here is the HTML -->
<input type='search' id='bar' list='countries' placeholder='Search..'>

<p id="SearchFail01"></p>

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