I'd like to find how to use the COUNTIFS function in excel to count the rows in a spreadsheet while ignoring duplicate values in a separate column. Here is a sample of the data:
I would like to count the number of rows that are "One" on status and "Blue" on category. However, I only want to count the duplicates for these respective values in "ID" once.
Here's what I've tried:
=SUM(IF(FREQUENCY($A$2:$A$12,$A$2:$A$12)>0,1)) - same problem as the previous example. - this works for giving me the number of duplicates in column A, but I can't work any IF statements in effectively.
=IF(B2:B12="One",IF(C2:C12="Blue",SUM(IF(FREQUENCY($A$2:$A$12,$A$2:$A$12)>0,1)))) - when I add IF statements in, I get the same number as the earlier formula.
I am at my wits end! Please help me.
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