mardi 26 avril 2016

Selecting Max Value - Adding Criteria

@ScottCraner provided the below formula to my question, where I wanted Column E of my dataset to read "Max" for the row where the ID contains the max probability for that state. If two IDs for the same State have the same probability, as in Maryland, I wanted "Max" to show for the ID with the nearest Date. If two IDs match on both Probability and Date, then I wanted "Max" to appear for only one ID within each group of States.



Column A       Column B     Column C    Column D    Column E
State        Probability       Date        ID       Formula Field
California        10%       12/31/2016    123   
California        20%       1/7/2017      129   
California        23%       1/14/2017     135       Max
Colorado          26%       1/21/2017     141   
Colorado          38%       12/31/2016    147       Max
Illinois          44%       1/14/2017     153       Max
Illinois          44%       1/14/2017     159   
Illinois          20%       1/21/2017     165   
Illinois          35%       1/28/2017     171   
Maryland          41%       2/4/2017      177   
Maryland          41%       12/31/2016    183       Max
Maryland          35%       1/7/2017      189   
Michigan          20%       1/14/2017     195   
Michigan          35%       1/21/2017     201   
Michigan          38%       1/28/2017     207       Max
West Virginia     41%       2/4/2017      213   
West Virginia     44%       2/11/2017     219       Max

The formula works just fine. Now I want add criteria such that if Probability = 100% then "Max" should be assigned to that record. This criteria is most important and ought to precede all other designations of "Max" as outlined in the formula above. Note that only one "Max" should appear for each group of states (e.g. only one record from California should have "Max" in column E.

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