I am using ggvis and have the following code with a selectInput on the UI side allowing the user to select which variable dictates fill and shape (inputId is fill and shape respectively). I want the plot to have the ability to have a constant fill or shape should the user choose. The else section of this code works exactly how I want, but when I select the option in the if statement the app crashes with the following error:
Error in eval: could not find function ":="
I know I have the syntax correct because if I suppress the legends and the if/else statement and specify the fill as constant (fill := "black") it works how I want it to.
Any help would be appreciated.
vis <- reactive({
fillvar <- prop("fill", as.symbol(input$fill))
shapevar <- prop("shape", as.symbol(input$shape))
ggvis(x = xvar, y = yvar) %>%
layer_points(size.hover := 200,
fillOpacity:= 0.5, fillOpacity.hover := 1,
# Allows for points to be consistent if the user desires
if (input$fill == "All Points Black") {
fill := "black"}
else {
fill = fillvar}
if (input$shape == "All Points Circles") {
shape := "circle"}
else {
shape = shapevar}
key := ~ID
) %>%
# Adds legends to the Plot in designated locations
add_legend("fill", title = as.character(fillvar)) %>%
add_legend("shape", title = as.character(shapevar), properties = legend_props(legend = list(y=300))) %>%
# Adds the previously defined tool_tip my_tooltip
add_tooltip(my_tooltip, "hover") %>%
# Specifies the size of the plot
set_options(width = 800, height = 400, duration = 0)
#Actually plots the data
vis %>% bind_shiny("plot1")
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