vendredi 1 juillet 2016

Writing if then else in Linq to Entities query

I wrote following code to count refers to a Document to:

var currentStationId = GetCurrentStation();
var result = dbContext
                    new MyDTO{
                            ReferCounts = x.DocumentStationHistories
                                           .Count(t => t.ToStationId == currentStationId))

Now I want to change mechanism of calculating ReferCounts:

if(currentStationId == 1) ReferCounts = x.DocumentStationHistories
                                         .Count(t => t.ToStationId == currentStationId &&
                                                     t.FromStationId != t.ToStationId))
    ReferCounts = x.DocumentStationHistories
                   .Count(t => t.ToStationId == currentStationId))

How can I use this code in my linq to entities query?

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