so I am creating a test password program and my problem is every time I try to use the create a new password feature it crashes the CMD at the moment I am kinda new to Batch programming so sorry if I over/under codded enter code here
here is the main code that is crashing CMD
if exist C:\Users\%Username%\Documents\Password.txt (
goto password1
) else (
set /p Password=What would you like your new password to be.
echo %Password% > C:\Users\%Username%\Documents\Password.txt
echo your new password is %Password%
goto start
set /p Password1= A password has already been created to change it please type the last known password
for /f "Delims=" %%a in (C:\Users\%Username%\Documents\Password.txt) do (
set Text=%%a)
if %Password1%==%Text% goto correct
echo Incorrect!
goto start
set /p password2=Correct! What would you like your new password to be.
echo %password2% > C:\Users\%Username%\Documents\Password.txt
echo Your new password is %password2%
goto start
here is all the code
@echo off
color a
echo Welcome to the password program with this program you can securely store personal data,
echo your options for this program are
echo Create - (Create a new password)
echo Check - (Check if your password is right)
echo Enter - (Enter to check your personal data)
set /p Program=What would you like to do.
goto %Program%
if exist C:\Users\%Username%\Documents\Password.txt (
goto password1
) else (
set /p Password=What would you like your new password to be.
echo %Password% > C:\Users\%Username%\Documents\Password.txt
echo your new password is %Password%
goto start
set /p Password1= A password has already been created to change it please type the last known password
for /f "Delims=" %%a in (C:\Users\%Username%\Documents\Password.txt) do (
set Text=%%a)
if %Password1%==%Text% goto correct
echo Incorrect!
goto start
set /p password2=Correct! What would you like your new password to be.
echo %password2% > C:\Users\%Username%\Documents\Password.txt
echo Your new password is %password2%
goto start
REM Not using this at the moment
REM Not using this at the moment
sorry if this question has already been answered before I am just new to batch coding
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