mardi 27 décembre 2016

Nesting If/Else Statement in javascript

I've been trying to nest an if else statement inside a snippet of existing code I have that creates a summary section at the bottom of the page when a user clicks on a row from a table on the same page.

            //Register to selectionChanged event to hanlde events
        selectionChanged: function () {
            //Get all selected rows
            var $selectedRows = $('#PeopleTableContainer').jtable('selectedRows');

            if ($selectedRows.length > 0) {
                //Show selected rows
                $selectedRows.each(function () {
                    var record = $(this).data('record');
                        '<b>ISO Name</b>: ' + record.ISO_Name + '<br /><br />',
                        '<b>Abstract</b>: ' + record.Abstract + '<br /><br />',
                        '<b>Problem Description</b>: <pre>' + record.Problem_Description + '</pre><br /><br />'

            } else {
                //No rows selected
                $('#SelectedRowList').append('No row selected! Select rows to see here...');

What I'm trying to accomplish is to nest an if statement that will run if a certain string is found within the Problem_Description field. What changes are <pre> tags, which I need in fields that contain the string "VEID", but not in fields that don't have this string.

As an example I've trying to simply nest an if statement where Problem_Description is so -

            //Register to selectionChanged event to hanlde events
        selectionChanged: function () {
            //Get all selected rows
            var $selectedRows = $('#PeopleTableContainer').jtable('selectedRows');

            if ($selectedRows.length > 0) {
                //Show selected rows
                $selectedRows.each(function () {
                    var record = $(this).data('record');
                        '<b>ISO Name</b>: ' + record.ISO_Name + '<br /><br />',
                        '<b>Abstract</b>: ' + record.Abstract + '<br /><br />',
                        **if ("CVIED" in record.Problem_Description);

                        {'<b>Problem Description</b>: <pre>' + record.Problem_Description + '</pre><br /><br />'}
                        else {<b>Problem Description</b>:' + record.Problem_Description + '<br /><br />}

            } else {
                //No rows selected
                $('#SelectedRowList').append('No row selected! Select rows to see here...');

I've tried creating two different statements all together which doesn't seems to work either, is there any I can accomplish this? Thank you.

*I've only ever programmed in python,so java script, and it variants are fairly new to me, so I apologize if my questions seems really simple.

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