lundi 26 décembre 2016

Repeat a second If condition using or

{1: {'Origin': '001', 'Destination': '002', 'Cost': '0100.00','Time': '04.00'}, 
 2: {'Origin': '002', 'Destination': '003', 'Cost': '0500.00', 'Time': '01.50'}, 
 3: {'Origin': '003', 'Destination': '004', 'Cost': '0200.00', 'Time': '11.40'}, 
 4: {'Origin': '002', 'Destination': '004', 'Cost': '0700.00', 'Time': '10.00'}, 
 5: {'Origin': '004', 'Destination': '006', 'Cost': '0550.00', 'Time': '06.75'}, 
 6: {'Origin': '004', 'Destination': '005', 'Cost': '0750.00', 'Time': '10.50'}, 
 7: {'Origin': '005', 'Destination': '006', 'Cost': '0460.00', 'Time': '08.00'}, 
 8: {'Origin': '002', 'Destination': '005', 'Cost': '1500.00', 'Time': '05.75'}}
for c in range(1,count):            
    first_list.append(main_dict[c]['Origin'])   #puts all origins in one list
    second_list.append(main_dict[c]['Destination'])#puts all destinations iin one list
locations=(list(set(locations)))#gets rid of any duplicates
mat_nxn = [[None for x in range(len(locations))] for y in range(len(locations))] #in this section the main matrix is created 
for i in range(len(locations)):
    mat_nxn[0][i]=locations[i] #fills the first row with the locations
    mat_nxn[i][0]=locations[i] #fills the first column with the locations

for n in range(0,len(locations)-1):
    for i in range(0,len(locations)):
         if str(mat_nxn[0][n])==main_dict[n+1]['Origin'] or str(mat_nxn[i][0])==main_dict[i+1]['Destination'] :

So what my code is supposed to do is arrange the dictionary's info in a NxN matrix, how it work is that the "Origin" and "Destination" are the "borders" of the martix enter image description here Then if let us say I can go from "Origin" to a "Destination" as stated in the dictionary I will add it to the matrix under an example would be, in the first dictionary I can go from "Origin 001" to "Destination 002" so I will place the values of the dictionary under X,Y(001,002) in the matrix My problem is in the last part of the code where I used the if condition with or inside two for loops

for n in range(0,len(locations)-1):
   for i in range(0,len(locations)):
     if str(mat_nxn[0][n])==main_dict[n+1]['Origin'] or str(mat_nxn[i][0])==main_dict[i+1]['Destination'] :

Now the problem is that if I have a duplicate "Origin" in my case it is 002 it will not check the rest "Destinations", only the first one, how can I make it check them all, did I use the or the wrong way? Would appreciate any help

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