I am trying to calculate the minutesUsed of a phone call between two people. However I'm pretty sure that in my public void phone(Customer name, int callLength) there is an error but I am not sure where. It may have something to do with the fact that Customer name is never used? Here are the conditions:
- If either customer has a "pay-as-you-go" plan and the number of callLength minutes exceeds the minutesRemaining for either "pay-as-you-go" customer, then the call is not allowed ... nothing happens.
- After the method is called, both customers' minutesUsed amounts should increase by callLength minutes.
- If the call was successful, each customers' number of callsMade should increase by 1.
I don't know if my if statements are faulty but any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
//Cell Phone Class
public class CellPhone {
String model;
String manufacturer;
int monthsWarranty;
float price;
public CellPhone() {
public CellPhone(String model, String manufacturer, int monthsWarranty, float price) {
this.model = model;
this.manufacturer = manufacturer;
this.monthsWarranty = monthsWarranty;
this.price = price;
public String getModel() {
return model;
public void setModel(String model) {
this.model = model;
public String getManufacturer() {
return manufacturer;
public void setManufacturer(String manufacturer) {
this.manufacturer = manufacturer;
public int getMonthsWarranty() {
return monthsWarranty;
public void setMonthsWarranty(int monthsWarranty) {
this.monthsWarranty = monthsWarranty;
public float getPrice() {
return price;
public void setPrice(float price) {
this.price = price;
//Phone Plan Class
public class PhonePlan {
public int minutesAllowed;
public int minutesUsed = 0;
public int dataAllowed;
public int dataUsed = 0 ;
public boolean planType;
public int dataRemaining;
public int minutesRemaining;
public PhonePlan(int minutesAllowed, int dataAllowed, boolean planType) {
this.minutesAllowed = minutesAllowed;
this.dataAllowed = dataAllowed;
this.planType = planType;
public int getMinutesAllowed() {
return minutesAllowed;
public void setMinutesAllowed(int minutesAllowed) {
this.minutesAllowed = minutesAllowed;
public int getMinutesUsed() {
return minutesUsed;
public void setMinutesUsed(int minutesUsed) {
this.minutesUsed = minutesUsed;
public int getDataAllowed() {
return dataAllowed;
public void setDataAllowed(int dataAllowed) {
this.dataAllowed = dataAllowed;
public int getDataUsed() {
return dataUsed;
public void setDataUsed(int dataUsed) {
this.dataUsed = dataUsed;
public boolean getPlan() {
return planType;
public void setPlanType(boolean planType) {
this.planType = planType;
public int getMinutesRemaining() {
return (minutesAllowed-minutesUsed);
public int getDataRemaining() {
return (dataAllowed-dataUsed);
public String toString() {
return("Pay-as-you-go Plan with " + minutesAllowed + " minutes and " + dataAllowed+ " KB remaining");
return("Regular (" +(minutesAllowed +" minute, "+ dataAllowed/1000000f +" GB data)"
+") Monthly Plan with "+ minutesAllowed+" minutes and "+ dataAllowed+ " KB remaining"));
//Customer Class
public class Customer {
String name; //Customer Name
CellPhone cellPhone; // Cell phone object type
PhonePlan phonePlan; //Phone plan Object type
int callsMade;
float balance = 0;
int internetData;
int minutesBought;
int monthlyCharges;
int voiceOvertimeCharges;
int dataOverusageCharges;
double HST;
double totalDue;
public Customer(String customerName,CellPhone cellPhone,PhonePlan Plan){
this.name = customerName;
this.cellPhone = cellPhone;
this.phonePlan = Plan;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
public int getCallsMade() {
return callsMade;
public void setCallsMade(int callsMade) {
this.callsMade = callsMade;
public float getBalance() {
return balance;
public void setBalance(float balance) {
this.balance = balance;
public CellPhone getCellPhone() {
return cellPhone;
public void setCellPhone(CellPhone cellPhone) {
this.cellPhone = cellPhone;
public PhonePlan getPlan() {
phonePlan.minutesRemaining = phonePlan.minutesAllowed - phonePlan.minutesUsed;
return phonePlan;
public void setPlan(PhonePlan phonePlan) {
this.phonePlan = phonePlan;
public String toString() {
return this.getName()+ " with a " + cellPhone.getManufacturer()+ " " +cellPhone.getModel()+" "+
"on a"+" "+phonePlan.toString()+" Plan "+"("+" "+phonePlan.getMinutesAllowed()+","+phonePlan.getDataAllowed()+"KB "+")"+"Monthly Plan with "+
phonePlan.getMinutesRemaining()+"minuutes remaining and "+" "+phonePlan.dataRemaining+" "+"KB remaining";
} else {
return this.getName()+ " with a " +cellPhone.getManufacturer()+" "+cellPhone.getModel()+
" on a " + phonePlan.toString()+ " Plan with " +phonePlan.getMinutesAllowed()+" minutes and " +
phonePlan.getDataAllowed()+" KB remaining";
public void phone(Customer name, int callLength){
if((phonePlan.toString().equals("Pay-as-you go")) && (callLength > phonePlan.minutesRemaining)){
phonePlan.minutesUsed = phonePlan.minutesUsed + callLength;
} else {
callsMade = callsMade + 1;
phonePlan.minutesUsed = phonePlan.minutesUsed + callLength;
public int buyMinutes(int minutesBought){
if((phonePlan.toString().equals("Pay-as-you go"))){
minutesBought = (int) (minutesBought * 0.40);
balance = balance + minutesBought;
return minutesBought;
return minutesBought;
public void accessInternet(int internetData){
this.internetData = internetData;
public int Customer(int monthlyCharges){
if((phonePlan.toString().equals("Regular")) && (phonePlan.minutesAllowed == 100)){
monthlyCharges = 15 + (phonePlan.dataAllowed * 10);
return monthlyCharges;
} else{
monthlyCharges = 25 + (phonePlan.dataAllowed * 10)+ minutesBought;
return monthlyCharges;
public Customer(double voiceOvertimeCharges, double dataOverusageCharges){
if((phonePlan.toString().equals("Regular")) && (phonePlan.minutesAllowed == 100) && (phonePlan.minutesUsed > 100)){
voiceOvertimeCharges = (phonePlan.minutesUsed - phonePlan.minutesAllowed)* 0.15;
} else {
voiceOvertimeCharges = (phonePlan.minutesUsed - phonePlan.minutesAllowed)* 0.15;
if((phonePlan.toString().equals("Regular")) && (phonePlan.minutesAllowed == 100) && (phonePlan.minutesUsed > 100)){
dataOverusageCharges = (phonePlan.dataUsed - phonePlan.dataAllowed)* 0.00005;
} else {
dataOverusageCharges = (phonePlan.dataUsed - phonePlan.dataAllowed)* 0.00005;
public void printMonthlyStatement(){
System.out.println(String.format("\n%17s%15s","Name:", name));
System.out.println(String.format("%19s%15s","Plan Type: ", phonePlan));
System.out.println(String.format("%19s%10d","Minutes Used: ", phonePlan.minutesUsed));
System.out.println(String.format("%19s%10d","Calls Made: ", callsMade));
System.out.println(String.format("%17s%10d","Monthly Charges: ", monthlyCharges));
System.out.println(String.format("%17s%10.2f","Voice Overtime Charges: ", voiceOvertimeCharges));
System.out.println(String.format("%17s%10.2f","Data Overusage Charges: ", dataOverusageCharges));
HST = (monthlyCharges + voiceOvertimeCharges + dataOverusageCharges) * 0.13f;
System.out.println(String.format("%19s%10.2f","HST: ", HST));
totalDue = monthlyCharges + voiceOvertimeCharges + dataOverusageCharges + HST;
System.out.println(String.format("%19s%10.2f","Total Due: ", totalDue));
// pay-as-you-go plan
System.out.println(String.format("\n%17s%15s","Name:", name));
System.out.println(String.format("%19s%15s","Plan Type: ", phonePlan));
System.out.println(String.format("%19s%10d","Minutes Used: ", phonePlan.minutesUsed));
System.out.println(String.format("%17s%10d","Minutes remaining: ", phonePlan.minutesRemaining));
System.out.println(String.format("%19s%10d","Data Used: ", phonePlan.dataUsed));
System.out.println(String.format("%19s%10d","Data Reaminging: ", phonePlan.dataRemaining ));
System.out.println(String.format("%19s%10d"," Calls Made: ", callsMade));
System.out.println(String.format("%19s%10d","Monthly Charges: ", monthlyCharges));
HST = monthlyCharges * 0.13f;
System.out.println(String.format("%19s%10.2f","HST: ", HST));
totalDue = monthlyCharges + HST;
System.out.println(String.format("%19s%10.2f","Total Due: ", totalDue));
The following code is the testing code for the classes above:
public class CallStimulationTestProgram {
public static void main(String args[]) {
// Create some phone objects
CellPhone iPhone = new CellPhone("iPhone 6Plus", "Apple", 12, 915.00f);
CellPhone galaxy = new CellPhone("Galaxy S7", "Samsung", 18, 900.00f);
CellPhone priv = new CellPhone("PRIV", "BlackBerry", 12, 890.00f);
// Create some customer objects. Only Tim and April have a "pay-as-you-go" plan
// (identified by a true Boolean value), the others are on standard monthly plans
// (identified by a false Boolean value). Realistically, these purchases would
// occur at different times on different days but we are assuming that all 5
// Customers purchase at the same time.
Customer rob = new Customer("Rob Banks", iPhone, new PhonePlan(200, 2500000, false));
Customer april = new Customer("April Rain", galaxy, new PhonePlan(200, 1000000, true));
Customer rita = new Customer("Rita Book", priv, new PhonePlan(100, 500000, false));
Customer sue = new Customer("Sue Permann", iPhone, new PhonePlan(100, 2500000, false));
Customer tim = new Customer("Tim Bur", iPhone, new PhonePlan(30, 0, true));
// Show the Customers
System.out.println("\nHere are the customers:\n");
// Have the customers make some phone calls to other customers
rob.phone(sue, 12); // a 12 minute call from Rob's phone to Sue's phone
rita.phone(april, 27);
rob.phone(tim, 3);
tim.phone(rita, 19);
// This line now assumes that Tim's call was cut off after 8 minutes,
// because his plan only allows 8 more minutes.
tim.phone(sue, 8);
// Output to show how the remaining unused minutes on each account
// have changed
System.out.println("\nRob's minutes = " + rob.getPlan().getMinutesRemaining());
System.out.println("April's minutes = "+ april.getPlan().getMinutesRemaining());
System.out.println("Rita's minutes = " + rita.getPlan().getMinutesRemaining());
System.out.println("Sue's minutes = " + sue.getPlan().getMinutesRemaining());
System.out.println("Tim's minutes = " + tim.getPlan().getMinutesRemaining());
// Try some more calls
rob.phone(tim, 1); // Should not connect at all
rob.phone(sue, 1);
sue.phone(tim, 1); // Should not connect at all
// Tim gets his phone working again by paying for more minutes
// Output to show how the remaining unused minutes on Tim's account has changed
System.out.println("\nTim's minutes = " + tim.getPlan().getMinutesRemaining());
// Tim lets Rob know that his phone is working again.
// Then Rob tells Sue who then phones Tim to chat.
tim.phone(rob, 24); // OK now rob.phone(sue, 15);
sue.phone(tim, 68); // Sue's limit will exceed and she must pay extra
rita.phone(sue, 65); // Both customers exceed their minutes and must pay extra
// Output to show how the remaining unused minutes on each account have changed
System.out.println("\nRob's minutes = " + rob.getPlan().getMinutesRemaining());
System.out.println("April's minutes = "+ april.getPlan().getMinutesRemaining());
System.out.println("Rita's minutes = " + rita.getPlan().getMinutesRemaining());
System.out.println("Sue's minutes = " + sue.getPlan().getMinutesRemaining());
System.out.println("Tim's minutes = " + tim.getPlan().getMinutesRemaining());
// Now simulate internet data access
rob.accessInternet(45600); // used up 45.6MB
rita.accessInternet(2700000); // use up 2.7GB
rob.accessInternet(1200000); // use up 1.2GB
tim.accessInternet(10000); // attempt to use 10MB ... won't work
sue.accessInternet(2500000); // used up exactly 2.5GB
april.accessInternet(1900000); // attempt to use 1.9GB, only 1GB used, then stops
// Output to show how the remaining unused data on each account have changed
System.out.println("\nRob's data = " + rob.getPlan().getDataRemaining() + "KB");
System.out.println("April's data = "+ april.getPlan().getDataRemaining() + "KB");
System.out.println("Rita's data = " + rita.getPlan().getDataRemaining() + "KB");
System.out.println("Sue's data = " + sue.getPlan().getDataRemaining() + "KB");
System.out.println("Tim's data = " + tim.getPlan().getDataRemaining() + "KB");
// Pretend that the month is over and print out all of the billing statements