ifelse() function allows to filter the values in a vector through a series of tests, each of them producing different actions in case of a positive result. For instance, let xx
be a data.frame, as follows:
xx <- data.frame(a=c(1,2,1,3), b=1:4)
a b
1 1
2 2
1 3
3 4
Suppose that you want to create a new column, c, from column b, but depending on the values in column a in the following way:
For each row,
- if the value in column a is 1, the value in column c, is the same value in column b.
- if the value in column a is 2, the value in column c, is 100 times the value in column b.
- in any other case, the value in column c is the negative of the value in column b.
Using ifelse(), a solution could be:
xx$c <- ifelse(xx$a==1, xx$b,
ifelse(xx$a==2, xx$b*100,
a b c
1 1 1
2 2 200
1 3 3
3 4 -4
Problem 1
An aesthetic problem arises when the number of tests increases, say, four tests:
xx$c <- ifelse(xx$a==1, xx$b,
ifelse(xx$a==2, xx$b*100,
ifelse(xx$a==3, ...,
ifelse(xx$a==4, ...,
I found partial solution to the problem in this page, which consists in the definition of the functions if.else_(), i_(), e_(), as follows:
i_ <- function(if_stat, then) {
if_stat <- lazyeval::expr_text(if_stat)
then <- lazyeval::expr_text(then)
sprintf("ifelse(%s, %s, ", if_stat, then)
e_ <- function(else_ret) {
else_ret <- lazyeval::expr_text(else_ret)
if.else_ <- function(...) {
args <- list(...)
for (i in 1:(length(args) - 1) ) {
if (substr(args[[i]], 1, 6) != "ifelse") {
stop("All but the last argument, need to be if.then_ functions.", call. = FALSE)
if (substr(args[[length(args)]], 1, 6) == "ifelse"){
stop("Last argument needs to be an else_ function.", call. = FALSE)
args$final <- paste(rep(')', length(args) - 1), collapse = '')
eval_string <-'paste', args)
eval(parse(text = eval_string))
In this way, the problem given in the Description, can be rewritten as follows:
xx <- data.frame(a=c(1,2,1,3), b=1:4)
xx$c <- if.else_(
i_(xx$a==1, xx$b),
i_(xx$a==2, xx$b*100),
a b c
1 1 1
2 2 200
1 3 3
3 4 -4
And the code for the four tests will simply be:
xx$c <- if.else_(
i_(xx$a==1, xx$b),
i_(xx$a==2, xx$b*100),
i_(xx$a==3, ...), # dots meaning actions for xx$a==3
i_(xx$a==4, ...), # dots meaning actions for xx$a==4
e_(...) # dots meaning actions for any other case
Problem 2 & Question
The given code apparently solves the problem. Then, I wrote the following test function: <- function() {
dd <- data.frame(a=c(1,2,1,3), b=1:4)
i_(dd$a==1, dd$b),
i_(dd$a==2, dd$b*100),
) # it should give c(1, 200, 3, -4)
When I tried the test:
it spit the following error message:
Error in ifelse(dd$a == 1, dd$b, ifelse(dd$a == 2, dd$b * 100, -dd$b)) :
object 'dd' not found
Since the if.else_() syntactic constructor is not supposed to run only from the console, is there a way for it to 'know' the variables from the function that calls it?