I am trying to show a certain medal in my scene depending on what your high score is based on the goal of the level.
// Get Medal Colour
if levelHighscore < goalScore {
scoreMedal = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "noMedal")
} else if levelHighscore == goalScore {
scoreMedal = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "bronzeMedal")
} else if levelHighscore > goalScore {
scoreMedal = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "silverMedal")
At the moment i get the high score and compare it to the goal - if it is less than the goal show noMedal image. If it equals the goal show a bronzeMedal, If the high score is 5 more than the goal show silverMedal and if the high score is 10 higher than the goal show a goldMedal.
Been on this for a while trying all different bits and bobs and for some reason it works in the setup above but when i write
// Get Medal Colour
if levelHighscore == goalScore+5 {
scoreMedal = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "silverMedal")
it shows nothing.
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