I am making a minesweeper game where it follows the standard rules. When a mine is hit the game ends and if all spots are filled then the user wins. What I am trying to do is make the pegs have different colours according to the amount of mines it hits. I have declared a local variable to keep track of the number of surrounding mines. Then used if statements, if you find a mine, use a count++. I am not quite sure how to fix this line in particular to make it do what I want it to do. if((currentClick.getRow() == ships.get(i).getRow()) && (currentClick.getCol() == ships.get(i).getCol())){ count++; }
Here is my code so far:
import java.util.*;
public class Minesweeper2{
static int dim = userSize(); //call to userSize method is stored as static value
static Board board = new Board(dim, dim);//and immediately built to Board object of user-defined size
//this method uses Terminal to ask the user what size the board should be
public static int userSize(){
Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("What size should the board be? (Numbers only (5-1000))");
int dim = scan.nextInt();
return dim;
public static void main(String[] args){
boolean unWon = true;//variable to determine if game is over
Random random = new Random();//call random method
int totalClicks = 0;
int mineHit = 0;
board.displayMessage("Welcome to Minesweeper! White=0, Blue = 1, Green = 2, Red = 3, Yellow = 4");
//initialize each row and column interger for the ten coordinates that are red
int[] nums = new int[20];
//initialize array list and store values of ship inside
ArrayList<Coordinate> ships = new ArrayList<Coordinate>();
for(int i = 0; i < nums.length; i++){
nums[i] = random.nextInt(10);
if(i%2 == 1)
ships.add(new Coordinate(nums[i-1],nums[i]));
Boolean isHit = false;//set boolean is hit to false
while(unWon && totalClicks < 100){
isHit = false; // reset isHit
Coordinate currentClick = board.getClick(); //Get the current click
totalClicks++;//increment counter for each click
//Check the ship coordinates to see whether it is hit
for(Coordinate c: ships) {
if((c.getRow() == currentClick.getRow()) && (c.getCol() == currentClick.getCol())){
//board.putPeg("black", currentClick.getRow(), currentClick.getCol());//output red pegs
isHit = true;//reset is hit boolean
mineHit++;//initialize counter for each red peg
//if all ten red pegs are found, set the game to won
if (mineHit == 10){
unWon = false;
for (int i = 0; i < ships.size(); i++) {
board.putPeg("black", currentClick.getRow(), currentClick.getCol());
//this needs to get more complicated
if((currentClick.getRow() == ships.get(i).getRow()) && (currentClick.getCol() == ships.get(i).getCol())){
else if(count==1){
board.putPeg("blue", currentClick.getRow(), currentClick.getCol());
else if(count==2){
board.putPeg("green", currentClick.getRow(), currentClick.getCol());
else if(count==3){
board.putPeg("red", currentClick.getRow(), currentClick.getCol());
else if(count==4){
board.putPeg("yellow", currentClick.getRow(), currentClick.getCol());
board.putPeg("white",currentClick.getRow(), currentClick.getCol());
board.displayMessage("It has been " + totalClicks + " click(s)" + "; White = 0, Blue = 1, Green = 2, Red = 3, Yellow = 4");
for(int red = 0; red<10; red++){
System.out.println(ships.get(red).getRow() + " " + ships.get(red).getCol());
Any help is appreciated.
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