samedi 3 juin 2017

python oracle if else issues for rows fetch

my requirements is following. Find a count(*) for a table and if not exists, create one.following is the sample code to show the issue. in both cases the else condition is coming. not sure how I achieve this, any help is appreciated.

 import cx_Oracle
 import os
 import datetime

 ts =
 con = cx_Oracle.connect('xxxx/xxxx@xxxxx:1521/xxxxx')
 print con.version
 cur = con.cursor()
 cur.execute('select count(*) from AAA.AAA_TEST')
 rows = cur.fetchall();
 print rows
 print len(rows)
 if (rows ==1):
  print 'there is a row'
  print 'there is no row'

 #result 1 where the row exists
 there is no row

 Process finished with exit code 0

 #result 2 where the row do not exists
 there is no row

 Process finished with exit code 0

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