I have made a program that stores login details that you have entered and allows you to login it with it into the main part of the menu. Everything was working fine when all the data types were strings, for example; modea = input("Etc")
to allow the user to select options by entering number inputs that correspond to the option, e.g "2", it should call its assigned function as it fulfills the if modea == 2
statement, but if I try to change string to integer data type, for example modea = int(input("Etc"))
, even if I were to enter an expected input, the loop would never stop and continue running as if I entered nothing, contrary to simply using modea = input("etc")
where it treats everything as a string, and it would still accept number input and carry out its assigned action, but not if the data type is an integer?
Everything is working the way it is but changing the data type from string to integer just makes the program unable to terminate the while loops when there is no exception. From modea = input("etc")
to modea = int(input("etc"))
I added full code here for it to make more sense, which most can be ignored as it runs as intended, but I can't seem to get my head around whats going on with the logged()
function part of the code where I attempted to get modea = int(input("etc"))
to work by terminating its loop when the if statements are fulfilled, but it just continues on looping as if everything is null. Help would be appreciated.
#import modules
import time
import sys
import re
#Initialise variables that could help with error handling
name = ""
mode = ""
username = ""
password = ""
addusername = ""
addpassword = ""
exit = ""
modea = ""
new_app = ""
new_pass = ""
quit = ""
#Dictionary to store more than one set of login details
vault = {}
#Lists to store website names and passwords
appvault = []
passvault = []
#FIRST MENU AND REGISTERING LOGIN DETAILS -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def menu(): #The menu function is the 1st menu that asks the user to either register their login details or to login with existing login details saved into the vault dictionary
print("--------------------------*ENTERING THE MAIN MENU*-----------------------------------\n") #triple """ used to effectively format the menu
mode = input(str("""Hello {}, below are the modes that you can choose from:\n
a) Login with username and password
b) Register as a new user
To select a mode, enter the corresponding letter of the mode below
> """.format(name))).strip() #greets user and removes any white space
return mode #returns the input
def login(username, password): #The login function is where the user logins in with existing registered details in the vault dictionary
if len(vault) > 0 : #user has to append usernames and passwords before it asks for login details
print("Welcome {} to the login console".format(name))
noloop = True #Starts a loop if True will begin looping
while noloop:
addusername = input("Please enter username: ")
if addusername == "":
print("Username not entered, try again!")
continue #returns to the beginning of the while loop if null
addpassword = input("Please enter password: ")
if addpassword == "":
print("Password not entered, try again!")
continue #returns to the beginning of the while loop if null
if vault[addusername] == addpassword: #If the username and password match with the login details appended into the dictionary, it will count as matching details.
print("Username matches!")
print("Password matches!")
print("Logging into password vault...\n")
noloop = logged() #jumps to logged function and tells the user they are logged on
return noloop
except KeyError: #the except keyerror recognises the existence of the username and password in the list
print("The entered username or password is not found!")
print("You have no usernames and passwords stored!") #When the user selects option A before adding any login details to the dictionary
return True #returning to the start of the loop when the else statement is printed
def register(): #example where the username is appended. Same applies for the password
global username #initialises global variables
global password
print("Please create a username and password into the password vault.\n")
while True:
validname = True
while validname:
username = input("Please enter a username you would like to add to the password vault. NOTE: Your username must be at least 3 characters long: ").strip().lower()
if not username.isalnum(): #handles usernames with no input, contain spaces between them or have symbols in them.
print("Your username cannot be null, contain spaces or contain symbols \n")
elif len(username) < 3: #any username with less than 3 characters is rejected and looped back
print("Your username must be at least 3 characters long \n")
elif len(username) > 30: #any username with more than 30 characters is rejected and looped back
print("Your username cannot be over 30 characters long \n")
validname = False
validpass = True
while validpass:
password = input("Please enter a password you would like to add to the password vault. NOTE: Your password must be at least 8 characters long: ").strip().lower()
if not password.isalnum(): #handles null input passwords, passwords that contain spaces or symbols
print("Your password cannot be null, contain spaces or contain symbols \n")
elif len(password) < 8: #passwords that are less than 8 characters long are rejected and loops back
print("Your password must be at least 8 characters long \n")
elif len(password) > 20: #passwords that are more than 20 characters long are rejected and loops back
print("Your password cannot be over 20 characters long \n")
validpass = False
vault[username] = password #the appending process of username and passwords to the dictionary
validinput = True
while validinput:
exit = input("\nDo you want to register more usernames and passwords? Enter 'end' to exit or any key to continue to add more username and passwords:\n> ")
if exit in ["end", "End", "END"]:
validinput = False
return register
#LOGGED ONTO THE PASSWORD AND WEBSITE APP ADDING CONSOLE------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def logged(): #The logged function is the 2nd menu where the user is able to access after logging in with their registered login details
print("-----------------------------*ENTERING THE PASSWORD VAULT MENU*-----------------------------------\n")
print("You are logged in, welcome to the password vault console.")
keeplooping = True #whileloop that is True will keep the menu in a loop
while keeplooping:
modea = int(input("""Below are the options you can choose from in the password vault console:
1) Find the password for an existing website/app
2) Add a new website/app and a new password for it
3) Summary of the password vault
4) Exit
> """))
except ValueError:
print("Please enter a valid option!")
if modea == 1: #if the user enters 1 as instructed, then they have decided to choose to find existing apps and passwords
viewapp() #viewapp function is called
elif modea == 2: #if user enters 2 as instructed, then they have decided to add new app/websites and the passwords for it
addapp() #addapp function is called
elif modea == 3: #if the user enters 3 as instructed, then they have decided to look at the summary of passwords entered so far
summary() #summary function is called
elif modea == 4: #if the user enters 4 as instructed, then they have deicided to quit the entire program. All loops stop and program ends with print statement saying "Goodbye"
keeplooping = False
print("*Exiting program*\n")
print("Goodbye user and thanks for using the password vault program")
return keeplooping
print("That was not a valid option, please try again: ")
validintro = False
def viewapp(): #The viewapp function is the 1st option of the password and vault menu that allows the user to view the app/websites and passwords stored so far
if len(appvault) > 0: #The website/apps and passwords are only shown once the user has entered a set of the info, otherwise no info will be shown
print("""Below are the details of the website/apps and passwords stored so far:
(NOTE: Websites/apps and passwords are shown in order of being appended; 1st password is for 1st website, etc...\n""")
for app in appvault:
print("Here are the website/app you have stored:")
print("- {}\n".format(app)) #Website/app is printed out here
if len(passvault) > 0 : #The website/apps and passwords are only shown once the user has entered a set of the info, otherwise no info will be shown
for code in passvault:
print("Here are the password you have stored for the websites/apps: ")
print("- {}\n".format(code)) #The passwords are printed out here
print("You have no apps or passwords entered yet!")
def addapp():
while True:
validapp = True
while validapp:
new_app = input("Enter the new website/app name: ").strip().lower()
if len(new_app) > 20: #if the user enters a website with more than 20 characters, it is rejected and loops back and asks for input again
print("Please enter a new website/app name with no more than 20 characters: ")
elif len(new_app) < 1: #if the user enters nothing, program loops back and asks for input again
print("Please enter a valid new website/app name: ")
validapp = False
validnewpass = True
while validnewpass:
new_pass = input("Enter a new password to be stored in the passsword vault: ").strip()
if not new_pass.isalnum(): #checks if the entered username has spaces, or symbols or is a null input, which would be rejected and the program will loop back
print("Your password for the website/app cannot be null, contain spaces or contain symbols \n")
elif len(new_pass) < 8: #the password must be at least 8 characters long to be accepted as valid
print("Your new password must be at least 8 characters long: ")
elif len(new_pass) > 20: #the password must not exceed 20 characters, otherwise it would be rejected and will loop back
print("Your new password cannot be over 20 characters long: ")
validnewpass = False
validquit = True
while validquit:
quit = input("\nDo you want to enter more websites/apps and passwords? Enter 'end' to exit or any key to continue to add more website/app names and passwords for them: \n> ")
if quit in ["end", "End", "END"]:
validquit = False
return addapp
def summary(): #The summary function is a print statement of how many password have been stored, the passwords with the longest or shortest characters are also displayed
if len(passvault) > 0: #The user must have entered at least 1 password before the summary option can be viewed
print("Here is a summary of the passwords stored in the password vault:\n")
print("The number of passwords stored so far:", len(passvault)) #len counts the amount of passwords stored in the passvault list
print("Passwords with the longest characters: ", max(new_pass for (new_pass) in passvault)) #max finds the passwords appended in the passvault list with the longest password
print("Passwords with the shortest charactrs: ", min(new_pass for (new_pass) in passvault)) #min finds the passwords appended in the passvault list with the shortet password
print("You have no passwords entered yet!")
#Main routine
print("Welcome user to the password vault program")
print("In this program you will be able to store your usernames and passwords in password vaults and view them later on.\n")
validintro = False
while not validintro:
name = input(str("Greetings user, what is your name?: ")).lower().strip()
if not re.match("^[a-z]*$", name):
print("Your name must only contain letters from a-z: ")
elif len(name) < 1:
print("Please enter a name that is valid: ")
elif len(name) > 30:
print("Please enter a name with no more than 30 characters long: ")
validintro = True
print("Welcome to the password vault program {}.\n".format(name))
#The main program to run in a while loop for the program to keep on going back to the menu part of the program for more input till the user wants the program to stop
validintro = False
while not validintro:
chosen_option = menu()
validintro = False
if chosen_option in ["a", "A"]:
validintro = not login(username, password)
elif chosen_option in ["b", "B"]:
print("""That was not a valid option, please try again:\n """)
validintro = False
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