jeudi 30 novembre 2017

Unable to use else if in onActivityResult

For the simplicity below is my code in onActivityResult method inside fragment

  if (requestCode==ADD_ADDRESS_REQUEST_CODE){
        // do something
    }else if (requestCode==COUNTRIES_REQUEST_CODE){
        // do something

But on the else if statement Android Studio says

Condition requestCode==COUNTRIES_REQUEST_CODE is always false

I have more than one results in my Fragment so I have to check them based on the request code putting else if statements the situation is as discussed above.
If I use only if statements like

        // do something
  if (requestCode==COUNTRIES_REQUEST_CODE){
        // do something

The first condition is always true even if the request code for that is not yet set. ADD_ADDRESS_REQUEST_CODE would be set when a button in fragment will be pressed and the COUNTRIES_REQUEST_CODE is set on onCreateView method of the fragment. So when Fragment shows its GUI a toast is showing that is inside of first condition.

Can anybody explain a bit why is that and how can I fix it. Any effort will be appreciated.

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