jeudi 25 janvier 2018

Targeting correct answers with button click in trivia game

Ok, code n00b here. I am trying to code out a trivia game. I FINALLY figured out how to display the question with the appropriate answers. Now, I have to figure out if the user clicked the correct answer or not. I think I need to use an if/else statement, but I am not entirely sure which steps I need to take next. Here is the link to the live site-- (I know there are some styling things left to do.

And here is my JS code- window.onload = function () {

var intervalId
var timer = 10;
var questionArray = [{

        question: 'Who recorded the original version of the song "Hound Dog"?',
        answers: ['Willa Mae "Big Mama" Thornton', 'Elvis Presley', 'Carl Perkins', 'Chuck Berry', 'Miley Cyrus'],
        correctAnswer: 'Willa Mae "Big Mama" Thornton',

}, {

        question: 'Who was marketed by her record company as the "female Elvis"?',
        answers: ['Wanda Jackson', 'Janis Martin', 'Patsy Cline', 'Diana Ross', 'Miley Cyrus'],
        correctAnswer: 'Janis Martin',

}, {

        question: 'Who sang the 1957 song Whole Lotta Shakin Goin On?',
        answers: ['Elvis Presley', 'Jerry Lee Lewis', 'Gene Vincent', 'Buddy Holly', 'Miley Cyrus'],
        correctAnswer: 'Jerry Lee Lewis',

}, {

        question: '"Rebel-Rouser", "Cannonball", and "Because They Are Young" were all hits by which artist?',
        answers: ['The Big Bopper', 'Jerry Lee Lewis', 'Gene Vincent', 'Duane Eddy', 'Miley Cyrus'],
        correctAnswer: 'Duane Eddy',



        question: 'Who spent three weeks at No.1 in 1957 with “That’ll be the Day”?',
        answers: ['Buddy Holly', 'June Carter', 'Little Richard', 'Fats Domino', 'Miley Cyrus'],
        correctAnswer: 'Buddy Holly',


//Start  button starts game
//clearing the content works.  Do not touch it. 
$("#startGame").on("click", function () {

//this is your timer.  It is working.  Do not touch it. 
function startTimer() {
    intervalId = setInterval(decrement, 1000);

function decrement() {
    $("#countdown").html("<span>" + timer + "<span>");

    if (timer === 0) {

function stopTimer() {


function firstQuestion() {
    var randomQuestion = questionArray[Math.floor(Math.random() * questionArray.length)];

function renderButtons(randomQuestion) {
    //Cleared button div of any newly created buttons
    //dynamically generates buttons for each answer
    for (var i = 0; i < randomQuestion.answers.length; i++) {
        var a = $("<button>");
        //adds class to the button
        //adds a data attribute
        a.attr("data-name", randomQuestion.answers[i]);
        //labels button
        //adds button to the button view div


$("#answer-display").on("click", function(){



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