dimanche 17 juin 2018

Make an enemy move away once it has been shot -Unity C#

I have this code that, when the Enemy hits the player's hitbox, attack trigger equals 1 and then it moves away from the player. I have this part in an if statement.

What I am trying to do is when the enemy gets shot, it also moves away from the player.

The variable that checks if the enemy has been hit is "IsItHit".

IsItHit = 1 (Enemy has been hit)

I have tried writing "if ((AttackTrigger == 1) || (IsItHit == 1))" to check if attack trigger or IsItHit equal to 1 to activate the move away code but it does not work.

How would I solve this problem. Thanks

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.AI;

public class EnemyMovementWithDamage : MonoBehaviour {
  public GameObject ThePlayer;
 // public float TargetDistance;
  public float AllowedDistance = 2;
  public GameObject TheEnemy;
  public int AttackTrigger;
  public RaycastHit Shot;

  private NavMeshAgent agent;
  private NavMeshPath path;

  public float goalDistance = 100;

  public int runaway = 0;

  public float distance;

  public int IsItHit;

  void Start() {
    path = new NavMeshPath();
    agent = GetComponent<NavMeshAgent>();

  void Update() {

    IsItHit = Shootable.IsHit;

    if (distance >= 40){
      runaway = 0;
      Debug.Log("runaway = 0");

    transform.LookAt (ThePlayer.transform);
    //if (Physics.Raycast (transform.position, transform.TransformDirection (Vector3.forward), out Shot)) {
        //TargetDistance = Shot.distance;
    distance =Vector3.Distance(TheEnemy.transform.position,ThePlayer.transform.position);

    if (runaway == 0) {

      if (AttackTrigger ==0){
      GetComponent<NavMeshAgent>().speed = (7);
      Debug.Log("Moving towards player");


    if (AttackTrigger == 1) {
      runaway = 1;

      Debug.Log("runaway = 1");
      GetComponent<NavMeshAgent>().speed = (50);
      Vector3 target = transform.position + Vector3.forward * goalDistance;


  void OnTriggerEnter() {
    AttackTrigger = 1;

  void OnTriggerExit() {
    AttackTrigger = 0;


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