It's a short homework I received in school, but I wanted to elaborate on it a bit by making it an interactive app, versus reading from a file. I'd like to make a loop asking for input, and run the program accordingly. I'd also like to add 2 to the first die, and 3 to the second, subtracting 6 if it is over the die's amount, and roll again, then print the outcome. All and any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
int dieOne = 0, dieTwo = 0, wins = 0, losses = 0, ties = 0, testLoop = 2;
boolean oneValid = false, twoValid = false;
while (testLoop != 3){
if (testLoop == 1) {
dieOne = 0;
dieTwo = 0;
wins = 0;
losses = 0;
ties = 0;
testLoop = 2;
oneValid = false;
twoValid = false;
testLoop = 2;
else if (testLoop == 2){
while (testLoop == 2) {
while (oneValid != true && twoValid != true) {
System.out.println("\nDie 1 please!");
dieOne = sc.nextInt();
oneValid = isValid(dieOne);
while (oneValid != true) {
System.out.println("\nNot a valid entry. Enter a number from 1 through 6 please.");
dieOne = sc.nextInt();
oneValid = isValid(dieOne);
System.out.println("\nYour first die is: " + dieOne);
System.out.println("\nDie 2 please!");
dieTwo = sc.nextInt();
twoValid = isValid(dieTwo);
while (twoValid != true) {
System.out.println("\nNot a valid entry. Enter a number from 1 through 6 please.");
dieTwo = sc.nextInt();
twoValid = isValid(dieTwo);
System.out.println("\nYour second die is: " + dieTwo);
int[] keepScore = rollDice(dieOne,dieTwo);
wins = wins + keepScore[0];
losses = losses + keepScore[1];
ties = ties + keepScore[2];
System.out.println("\nWins: " + wins + " Losses: " + losses + " Ties: " + ties);
System.out.println("\nWould you like to play again? \n1 = New Game, 2 = Another Roll, 3 = Quit.");
testLoop = sc.nextInt();
else {
while (testLoop != 1 || testLoop != 2){
System.out.println("Not valid entry, 1 = New, 2 = Another round, 3 = Quit");
testLoop = sc.nextInt();
//starts method that does calculations accroding to rules
public static int[] rollDice(int dieOne, int dieTwo) {
int win = 0, loss = 0, draw = 0;
if (dieOne + dieTwo == 5 || dieOne + dieTwo == 7 || dieOne + dieTwo == 12) {
else if (dieOne + dieTwo == 2 || dieOne + dieTwo == 4 || dieOne + dieTwo == 11) {
else {
int[] winLossDraw = {win,loss,draw};
return winLossDraw;
//starts method that checks if input is valid
public static boolean isValid(int die) {
boolean isValid;
if (die < 1 || die > 6) {
isValid = false;
else {
isValid = true;
return isValid;
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