Having trouble getting the correct outcome of Infix: (A+B)/(C-D) Postfix: AB+CD-/
I keep getting Postfix: AB+C/D-
I do know that the issue is coming from it not being able to pop the last operators from the stack before pushing '(' This is why I added the if statement in the first else if condition. That also doesn't work. What is it exactly that I am doing wrong? Is there another way into tackling this problem?
#include <iostream>
#include <stack>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int precedence(char x) {
int op;
if (x == '(' || x==')')
op = 1;
else if (x == '^')
op = 2;
else if (x == '*')
op = 3;
else if ( x == '/')
op = 4;
else if (x == '+')
op = 5;
else if (x == '-')
op = 6;
return op;
int main() {
string getInfix;
cout << "Infix: ";
getline(cin, getInfix);
stack<char> opStack;
stringstream showInfix;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < getInfix.length(); i++) {
if (getInfix[i] == '+' || getInfix[i] == '-' || getInfix[i] == '*' ||
getInfix[i] == '/' || getInfix[i] == '^' ) {
while (!opStack.empty() && precedence(opStack.top()
showInfix << opStack.top();
else if (getInfix[i] == '(') {
if (getInfix[i]=='(' && !opStack.empty()){
else if (getInfix [i]==')'){
showInfix << opStack.top();
else {
showInfix << getInfix[i];
while (!opStack.empty()) {
showInfix << opStack.top();
cout << "Postfix: "<<""<<showInfix.str() << endl;
cin.ignore ( numeric_limits< streamsize >:: max(),'\n');
return 0;
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