vendredi 3 mai 2019

Excel TEXTJOIN with multiple IF conditions

I'm trying to use the TEXTJOIN function to create a comma separated list of the content of each row's Column D value, but only when it's Column J value reads "Regulatory" and it's Column K value reads "No". 

I can get it to do this with one condition (i.e. only dependent on Column J OR K), but not both conditions (J AND K). The formula I'm using is: 

=TEXTJOIN(",",TRUE,IF('Variable Database'!$J$3:$J$762="Regulatory"*('Variable Database'!$K$3:$K$762="No"),'Variable Database'!$D$3:$D$762,"")) 

It is a valid formula but just returns "#VALUE". Do you have any ideas about how I might achieve this?

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