vendredi 3 mai 2019

Function jumps the else statement after checkin if statement Swift

I have a function saveOrders() that checks if snapshot from firebase corresponds to a record already been saved to CoreData by comparing orderIdof the saved orders against the one that get passed from snapshot in function's closure. If it matches it returns, otherwise in the elsestatement creates a new record to CoreData depending on iOS version. Weirdly enough it worked yesterday, but today it jumps directly the else statement when ids don't match. Today I only added the commented out part. Can you spot where it got broken? Here's the code:

    static func saveOrder(orderId: String, orderDate: String, customerName: String, orderPrice: String, itemsIdList: String, itemsList: String) throws {
        let context = CoreData.databaseContext
        let userRequest: NSFetchRequest<User> = User.fetchRequest()
        do {
            let userFetch = try context.fetch(userRequest)
            print("@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@       fetching user")
            for userValue in userFetch {
                if == UserDetails.fullName {
                    print("User is: \(!)")  //correct
                    let orderRequest: NSFetchRequest<Order> = Order.fetchRequest()
                    let predicate = NSPredicate(format: "orderId == %@", orderId)
                    orderRequest.predicate = predicate
//                    orderRequest.fetchLimit = 1
                        let orderFetch = try context.fetch(orderRequest)
//                        if orderFetch.count == 0 {
                        for order in orderFetch {
                            if order.orderId == orderId {
                                print("Order is already saved")
                            } else {
                                    print("@@@@@@@@@@@@    order is new")
                                    if #available(iOS 10.0, *) {
                                        let order = Order(context: context)
                                        order.user?.name =!
                                        order.orderId = orderId
                                        order.orderDate = orderDate
                                        order.customerName = customerName
                                        order.orderPrice = orderPrice
                                        order.itemsIdList = itemsIdList
                                        order.itemsList = itemsList
                                        print("Order is: \(order)")
                                        let actions: [UNNotificationAction] = [UNNotificationAction(identifier: "chiudi", title: "Chiudi", options: [.foreground])]
                                        Notifications.newTimeIntervalNotification(notificationType: "New order", actions: actions, categoyIdentifier: "New order", title: "Ordine", body: "Hai un nuovo ordine", userInfo: [:] , timeInterval: 5, repeats: false)
                                        // modify inventory
                                        var productIdListArray:[String] = itemsIdList.components(separatedBy: ",")
                                        var productNameListArray:[String] = itemsList.components(separatedBy: ",")
                                        print("productIdListArray is : \(productIdListArray)")
                                        for product in 0..<productIdListArray.count {
//                                        for product in productIdListArray {
                                            do {
                                                try Product.decrementIventory(completed: { (true) in
                                                    // create an item entry in Core Data for each item in current order
//                                                    let  item = Item(context: context)
//                                                    item.order?.user?.name =!
//                                                    item.itemId = productIdListArray[product]
//                                                    item.itemName = productNameListArray[product]
//                                                    order.addToItems(item)

                                                    print("Inventory seccessfully updated for product: \(productNameListArray[product])")
                                                }, productId: productIdListArray[product])
                                            } catch {print("Error in decrementing inventory : \(error)")
                                    } else {
                                        // Fallback on earlier versions
                                        let entityDescription = NSEntityDescription.entity(forEntityName: "Order", in: context)
                                        let order = Order(entity: entityDescription!, insertInto: context)
                                        order.user?.name =!
                                        order.orderId = orderId
                                        order.orderDate = orderDate
                                        order.customerName = customerName
                                        order.orderPrice = orderPrice
                                        order.itemsIdList = itemsIdList
                                        order.itemsList = itemsList
                                        Notifications.newTimeIntervalNotification(notificationType: "New order", actions: [], categoyIdentifier: "New order", title: "Ordine", body: "Hai un nuovo ordine", userInfo: [:], timeInterval: 5, repeats: false)
                                        var productIdListArray:[String] = itemsIdList.components(separatedBy: ",")
                                        var productNameListArray:[String] = itemsList.components(separatedBy: ",")
                                        for product in 0..<productIdListArray.count {
                                            do {
                                                try Product.decrementIventory(completed: { (true) in

                                                    // create an item entry in Core Data for each item in current order
//                                                    let entityDescription = NSEntityDescription.entity(forEntityName: "Item", in: context)
//                                                    let item = Item(entity: entityDescription!, insertInto: context)
//                                                    item.order?.user?.name =!
//                                                    item.itemId = productIdListArray[product]
//                                                    item.itemName = productNameListArray[product]
//                                                    order.addToItems(item)

                                                    print("Order.saveOrder: Inventory seccessfully updated for product: \(productNameListArray[product])")
                                                }, productId: productIdListArray[product])
                                            } catch {print("Error in decrementing inventory : \(error)")
                                    } // en of iOS 9 check
                            } // end of if order.orderId == orderId {} else {
                        } // end of for in
                    } catch {
                        print("Order.saveOrder():Error in fetching orders: \(error)")
        } catch {
            print("Error in fetching user: \(error)")
        do {
            print("@@@@@@@@@@@@ Order.saveOrder():   New order is saved do CoreData")

        } catch  {
            print("@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  Order.saveOrder():  Error saving new order to CoreData: \(error)")

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