jeudi 2 mai 2019

Is there a way to minimise if and if-else condition

I have written a code which is working fine but I'am using too many If and else-if conditions. Is there a way to minimise it? Based on the integer values shippingStatus, invoiceStatus and paymentStatus values should change.

int qtyOrdered = dynamic integer values;
int qtyShipped = dynamic integer value;
int qtyReturned = dynamic integer values;
int qtyInvoiced = dynamic integer values;
ShiStatus shippingStatus;
InvStatus invoiceStatus;
PayStatus paymentStatus;
if (qtyOrdered == qtyShipped && qtyShipped >= qtyReturned) {
    shippingStatus = ShiStatus.FULLY_SHIPPED;
} else if (qtyOrdered > qtyShipped && qtyShipped > qtyReturned) {
    shippingStatus = ShiStatus.PARTIALLY_SHIPPED;
} else if (qtyOrdered > qtyShipped && qtyShipped == qtyReturned) {
    shippingStatus = ShiStatus.NOT_SHIPPED;
} else {
    shippingStatus = salesOrder.getShippingStatus();
if (qtyOrdered == qtyInvoiced && qtyInvoiced > qtyReturned) {
    invoiceStatus = ShiStatus.FULLY_INVOICED;
} else if (qtyOrdered == qtyInvoiced && qtyInvoiced == qtyReturned) {
    invoiceStatus = InvStatus .NOT_APPLICABLE;
} else if (qtyOrdered > qtyInvoiced && qtyShipped > qtyReturned) {
    invoiceStatus = InvStatus .PARTIALLY_INVOICED;
} else if (qtyOrdered > qtyInvoiced && qtyShipped == qtyReturned) {
    invoiceStatus = ShiStatus.NOT_INVOICED;
} else {
    invoiceStatus = salesOrder.getInvoiceStatus();

if (MathUtils.isFirstLessThanSecond(totalAmountAfterEvent, salesOrder.getAmountPaid())) {
    paymentStatus = PayStatus .FULLY_PAID;
} else if (MathUtils.areEqual(totalAmountAfterEvent, BigDecimal.ZERO)) {
    paymentStatus = PayStatus .NOT_APPLICABLE;
} else if (MathUtils.isFirstLessThanSecond(salesOrder.getAmountPaid(), totalAmountAfterEvent) && (MathUtils.isFirstLessThanSecond(salesOrder.getAmountPaid(), totalAmountAfterEvent))) {
    paymentStatus = PayStatus .PARTIALLY_PAID;
} else if (MathUtils.isFirstLessThanSecond(salesOrder.getAmountPaid(), totalAmountAfterEvent) && (MathUtils.isFirstLessThanSecond(totalAmountAfterEvent, salesOrder.getAmountPaid()) || (MathUtils.areEqual(totalAmountAfterEvent, salesOrder.getAmountPaid())))) {
    paymentStatus = PayStatus .PARTIALLY_PAID;
} else {
    paymentStatus = salesOrder.getPaymentStatus();

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