jeudi 20 juin 2019

error with if statment when runnin R in jupyter

I am running the following if conditin in R without any problem:

nrow<-ifelse(S1_input, 1, ifelse(S2_input & nchar(bands)>40, 2, ifelse(S1_S2_input & nchar(bands)>40, 3, ifelse (S2_input && nchar(bands)<40, 4, 5))))

Where S1_input, S2_input, S1_S2_input are logical variables (TRUE / FALSE) (only one can be TRUE, the rest FALSE) and bands is just a string variable

I am trying to share my code using a Jupiter Notebook and the same line is giving an error but ONLY when S1_input is FALSE

Error in S2_input & nchar(bands) > 40: operations are possible only for numeric, logical or complex types

1. ifelse(S1_input, 1, ifelse(S2_input & nchar(bands) > 40, 2, ifelse(S1_S2_input & 
 .     nchar(bands) > 40, 3, ifelse(S2_input && nchar(bands) < 40, 
 .     4, 5))))
2. ifelse(S2_input & nchar(bands) > 40, 2, ifelse(S1_S2_input & 
 .     nchar(bands) > 40, 3, ifelse(S2_input && nchar(bands) < 40, 
 .     4, 5)))

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