I am trying to compare two binary trees to see if they are equal in structure and value, but at some point in the algorithm, a return statement doesn't work when placed in an if code block for just the values i want to compare. i.e
let a = "myVal"
let b = "myVal"
if(a = b){
return false
The above doesn't work with only the variabes i want to compare but works well with every other variable.
I have checked the type and value of both variables and they are indeed equal.
Also, when i throw an error for within the if code block, it works when th e condition is met but a return
statement doesn't just work.
Here's the full code
function compare(a, b){
if(a === null && b === null){
return true;
if(typeof a === 'object' && typeof b === 'object'){
// compare their structures
let aRoot = Object.keys(a);
let bRoot = Object.keys(b);
if(aRoot.length !== bRoot.length){
return false; //Trees are of different structures
//Loop through the roots of the tree
for(let i in aRoot){
if(aRoot[i] !== bRoot[i]){
//Make sure the roots are represented with equal names
return false;
let aValue = a[aRoot[i]];
let bValue = b[bRoot[i]];
if(typeof aValue !== typeof bValue){
return false
if(aValue !== null && bValue !== null){
//If they are both of the same types compare their values check if they are child nodes or not
if(typeof aValue !== 'object'){
//Here's the main problem
if(aValue !== bValue){
// console.log("aValue : ", aValue, " bValue : ", bValue)
// console.log("aValue type : ", typeof aValue, " bValue type : ", typeof bValue)
return false;
// console.log('a ', aValue)
compare(aValue, bValue);
return true;
let aNode = {val: 1, left: null, right: null, d: {val: 1, left: null, right: null, f: {val: 2, left: null, right: null}}};
let bNode = {val: 1, left: null, right: null, d: {val: 3/* This differs from aNode*/, left: null, right: null, f: {val: 2, left: null, right: null}}};
console.log(compare(aNode, bNode))
It works with trees with no root nodes, but doesn't with trees with root nodes.
The problem arises from the if(aValue !== bValue)
part of the code. That code block doesn't just return false but when an error is thrown, it works.
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