mercredi 18 mars 2020

This is about complex three number

Thats one wrong with my code and I dont have any idea about this wrong Please be attention to that I can just use from "for" and "while" and "if" The question is: Write a code that gets the natural number "n" then tries to find x,y,z (natural numbers) in some way: n=x+y+z Then if the following is true of x, y, z, print these three numbers in the output, otherwise print the Not Found statement:

x = y ^ 2 + z ^ 2

(x or y or z) = i + (i + 1) + (i + 2)

Where i is a natural number. Be it. Then if the following is true of x, y, z, print these three numbers in the output, otherwise print the Not Found statement:

x = y ^ 2 + z ^ 2

(x or y or z) = i + (i + 1) + (i + 2)

Where i is a natural number.

(Note that the input n is such that the int variable is sufficient and does not overflow.)


The input contains a line in which a natural number is given.


The output must either consist of three lines, each integer x, y, and z, respectively, from small to large, or the expression Not Found.


Sample Input 1



Sample output 1

2 6 40


Sample input 2



Sample output 2

Not found

#include <stdio.h> 
int main() { 
    int z,x,y,n; 
    for(y=1;y<(n/3);y++) {
        for(z=y;z<=((2*n)/3);z++) {
            if(x==((y*y)+(z*z))) {
                if(((((y-3)%3)!=0)||(y==3))&&((((z-3)%3)!=0)||(z==3))&&((((x-3)%3)!=0)||(x==3))) {
                printf("%d",x); return 0; 
    printf("Not found"); 
    return 0; 

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