mardi 12 janvier 2021

Python code stops running after if statement

Python beginner here. I'm trying to troubleshoot a program that is a simple "rock, paper, scissors" game. However, the code stops running after it outputs "Computer choice is (x)". Is the error in the functions or in the module?

I'm using a custom module as well.


    print('      Menu')
    print('A.)   Rock')
    print('B.)   Paper')
    print('C.)   Scissors')


import random
def main():
    """The purpose of the main function is to take the user's input, validate it then compare it to the computer's generated answer to find the winner."""
    while True:
        user_choice = input("Enter choice: ")
        if user_choice.lower() not in ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd') and user_choice.upper() not in ('A', 'B', 'C', 'D'):
            print("Not an appropriate choice.")
    computer_choice = generate_computer_value()
    check_winner(user_choice, computer_choice)

def generate_computer_value():
    computer_value = random.randint(1,3)
    return computer_value

def check_winner(user_choice, computer_value):
    if computer_value == 1:
        computer_value == "A" or computer_value == "a"
        print("Computer choice is rock")
    elif computer_value == 2:
        computer_value == "B" or computer_value == "b"
        print("Computer choice is paper")
    elif computer_value == 3:
        computer_value == "C" or computer_value == "c"
        print("Computer choice is scissors")
    elif user_choice == computer_value:
        print('Same answer try again')
    elif user_choice == "Rock" and computer_value == "C":
        print('Rock smashes scissors, the game ends')
    elif user_choice == "Scissors" and computer_value == "B":
        print('Scissors cut paper, the game ends')
    elif user_choice == "Paper" and computer_value == "A":
        print('Paper wraps rock, the game ends')
    elif computer_value == "A" and user_choice == "Scissors":
        print('Rock smashes scissors, the game ends')
    elif computer_value == "3" and user_choice == "Paper":
        print('Scissors cut paper, the game ends')
        print('Paper wraps rock, the game ends')


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