mercredi 29 juillet 2015

Python if( ): vs if:

On Code Academy there is this course where in the example they show

def speak(message):
    return message

if happy():
    speak("I'm happy!")
elif sad():
    speak("I'm sad.")
    speak("I don't know what I'm feeling.")

The above example will NOT be related to the rest of the code I show. That was just an example for the if statement. Now I was under the impression that when ever writing an if statement it had to end in an ():like the above example.

However when doing the assignments this does not work:

def shut_down(s):
    if s == "yes"():
        return "Shutting down"
    elif s == "no"():
        return "Shutdown aborted"
        return "Sorry"

However this works:

def shut_down(s):
    if s == "yes":
        return "Shutting down"
    elif s == "no":
        return "Shutdown aborted"
        return "Sorry"

My question is how come the () is not needed next to the "yes" and "no" but :is still needed. I thought whenever writing an if statement it will automatically have to end with ():. In that very first example, that's how it is shown. Do you understand my confusion.

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