samedi 31 octobre 2015

if else Error: unexpected '}' in "}" in R

The simplest script ever, so why do I get an error:

> x <- -5
> if(x > 0){
+     print("Non-negative number")
+ } 
> else{
Error: unexpected 'else' in "else"
>     print("Negative number")
[1] "Negative number"
> }
Error: unexpected '}' in "}"

If I simply put the else after } then there is no problem.

> x <- -5
> if(x > 0){
+     print("Non-negative number")
+ } else{
+     print("Negative number")
+ }
[1] "Negative number"

Thing is I have always written it the first way without problem; am I going crazy?

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