mardi 29 décembre 2015

Objective C Logical OR operator not evaluating in block

I am trying to check which array element's values are equal to each other or to the NSNumber 10. The array has count 15. The problem is that when I test the value against NSNumber 10 in an if statement, the code does not seem to evaluate.

In the array below, for example, the code should return that the value in index 0 is present in indices {0, 9, 10} since NSNumber 1 is present in index 0 and 10 and NSNumber 10 is present at index 9.


However, it only evaluates whether the NSNumber value in index 0 is equal to NSNumber 1 and not to NSNumber 10. The output is not as expected {0, 9, 10} but only {0, 10}.

    for (NSNumber *number in mutableArray) {
            self.matchingIndex = [mutableArray indexesOfObjectsPassingTest:^BOOL(NSNumber *obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) 


            BOOL returnValue;
            NSNumber *ten = [NSNumber numberWithInt:10];
            if ([number isEqualToNumber:obj] || [number isEqualToNumber:ten])
                returnValue = TRUE;

            return returnValue;  

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