mardi 28 juin 2016

Creating a program that compares two lists

I am trying to create a program that checks whether items from one list are not in another. It keeps returning lines saying that x value is not in the list. Any suggestions? Sorry about my code, it's quite sloppy.

Searching Within an Array

Putting .txt files into arrays

with open('Barcodes', 'r') as f:
    barcodes = [line.strip() for line in f]

with open('EAN Staging', 'r') as f:
    EAN_staging = [line.strip() for line in f]


list1 = barcodes
list2 = EAN_staging

Main Code

fixed = -1

for x in list1:
    for variable in list1:                                                  # Moves along each variable in the list, in turn
        if list1[fixed] in list2:                                           # If the term is in the list, then
            fixed = fixed + 1
            location = list2.index(list1[fixed])                            # Finds the term in the list
            print ()
            print ("Found", variable ,"at location", location)              # Prints location of terms

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